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Smithers thanks for your quotes!

1) I have some tweeked .wad files at your disposal (blood.wad too, which is based on doom version) in order to check them out. Here is a list to check :


(if you want i can provide you with those files). They work with the prboom_libretro.dll in both my windows and android machines. So i think you may try them!

2) Look what i found (http://creep.sourceforge.net/). This is the classic c64 game Castles of Dr.Creep. Can you import it in next versions alongside with dinothawr?

3) I used sudo nano /boot/config.txt, but can see nothing inside this text (null text). Is it normal? Should i only add my overcklocking values? (e.g arm_freq etc). Any “stable” oc values without sd card corruption? What i want is stability (first of all :P)

4) What is the path for the already downloaded scraper images for the games in “ports”? (duke nukem, quake, doom, etc.). I just want to delete/modify them!
