The PowerBlock is a small support shield for the Raspberry Pi that provides a power switch functionality. Recently, we have updated the design of the PowerBlock such that it now offers an even greater flexibility regarding the connections with the Raspberry Pi.
Author Archives: petrockblog
Some time ago I revised the hardware design of the ControlBlock and added test points for all major signals. The overall aim was to build a device for doing final system tests that are done before any single ControlBlock leaves for shipping. These system tests are written in Python. This post is about a Python […]
We are pleased to announce the release of RetroPie 3.5.
Mostly fixes and improvements rather than new stuff this time folks.
Some weeks ago I wrote about my recent journeys into the world of web application development and the MEAN stack. While writing that blog post I realized that I would like to insert a certain UML diagram. So I first started to draw an UML diagram for a better explanation of the use cases that […]
After rolling new images, fixing bugs, re-rolling we are finally there: RetroPie 3.3.
This info post is interesting for you, if you were looking at the ControlBlock and wondering when it will be available again.
Some time ago I had the idea for a web application related to another popular project. I quickly realized that my knowledge about web application architectures and designs was quite archaic. To learn the basics of modern web application programming I decided to implement an online assistant for writing letters based on the word-processor LaTex. […]
We have just published a bug-fix release, RetroPie image v.3.2.1, that fixes controller configuration issues for RetroArch-based emulators. For all of you that installed version 3.2 and are having trouble with the d-pad on the controllers: You can also fix that manually by editing /opt/retropie/configs/all/retroarch.cfg and removing the lines at the end [code lang=bash] input_player1_analog_dpad_mode […]