Homepage Forums RetroPie Project New to RetroPie? Start Here! Newbie here with a few problems

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    I have been trying to set this up for about 3 days now. I have started from a Raspbian base using the setup script to do the install. It finished in a decent amount of time. However I still can’t get it to run. My raspbian is in the gui and I open terminal and type emulationstation and nothing happens except saying command not found. My linux isn’t the best but I basically followed the guide here. http://www.emulationstation.org/gettingstarted.html#install_rpi_retropie I did the compile everything yourself method.


    I’d suggest it may well be easier (at least the first time) using the image provided on this site.

    Here is an example (obviously instead of 2.3 just use the 3.0 beta available now)


    I even tried that, while the emulation station runs on that it has very view emulators. I heard there was a huge list of emulators for this that get installed. I think at most I saw was like 9. Do these have to be added manually or something? The reason I was going with the Raspbian setup was to consolidate a few things. I am running a Pi 2. With Kodi running on it via Raspbian.


    The other emulators appear as soon as you add a rom to the directory. That is shown towards then end of the video above.


    Mansome, back up. There is an easier way.

    Download and install Noobs and use the whole SD card.

    When installing an OS, choose OpenELEC and Raspian. That way you can dual boot the system, have KODI on openELEC and build RetroPie on Raspian from binary.

    You don’t need to compile anything yourself, I have that exact setup and it works great. Post here with any questions.

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