Homepage Forums RetroPie Project Everything else related to the RetroPie Project PS3 Controller Connection Issues

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  • #89638

    Well, I’ve searched and searched and can’t find an issue exactly like mine…

    I’ve installed all the proper tools for PS3 controllers to work over bluetooth, both from command line and from the RetroPie-Setup script.

    Once or twice, after manually booting Sixpair and Sixad and using the USB cable, I can get my controllers to be recognized, but it usually doesn’t work.

    So my questions are:

    1. Is there a way to pair up the controller(s) automatically without having to first be connected over USB?

    2. Can I make my raspberry pi remember these settings so I don’t have to reconnect them after every reboot?



    I followed the directions here:

    They do require you to initially connect with a usb cable, but once it’s synced, it will connect wirelessly and remember the connection after reboot (when you press the PS button on the controller it will connect).

    The connection for me wasn’t an issue – that worked fine – what has been an issue is configuring. The retroarch config goes waaaaay to fast (a single button press will register as 3) and emulation station doesn’t want to register the controller correctly either. =(

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