I just can’t get my fake snes controller to work with the msx emulator(s). I’m using the 2.6 image for Raspberry Pie 2 B. I’ve tried several things.
1. Using the standard fmsx emulator within RetroArch. The controller is working in emulationstation and I’m able to set the controlls in teh RetroArch On screen diplay within the emulator. But in MSX games the buttons are not recognized.
The strange part is this ” The select and start” buttons work to go back to emulation station. The hotkey settings are in the retroarch.cfg in de folder ALL. When i remove the hotkey settings I’m not able to return to ES from within MSX. This means the retroarch.cfg is used by the MSX emulator. I’ve added al the button settings to the same file but these are not working. aaarggghhhh
2. I installed the experimental openmsx binary which takes hours. The games run (though less fluent then fmsx) And guess what the controller is working I can play games wheehoo. Now for the second aaaarghh moment. I cannot get the select start buttons to work to go back to ES.
I think I’ve read every single post there is on the interwebs but now I’m lost and in desperate need of help.
Do you have working controllers in MSX? How did you get them to work. (I also tried Playstation 2 controllers but got the exact same results)