Hey Buzz (and others)-
About a week ago I noted here that using an Ultimarc spinner or a trakball with the new dispmanx-sdl caused an unwanted mouse cursor to appear onscreen in AdvMame on my Pi 2, which you helped me work around by disabling SDL and going back to the other drivers. Today I played around with recompiling the 0.94 advmame source, and was able to force it off (yay!) by disabling the code under “case adv_cursor_auto” in advance/vsdl/vsdl.c. (I also disabled the adv_cursor_on case, but I’m not sure that was strictly necessary).
Perhaps the sdl_state flags aren’t correctly treating the surface state as SDL_FULLSCREEN even though it is with the new dispmanx code? That seems to be the condition adv_cursor_auto is using to turn the cursor on. I haven’t really dug into the sdl1 code yet on your github to see if I can find a culprit there.
(Incidentally/unrelated, I also successfully compiled the “current” 1.2 build of AdvMame for the Pi 2 and performance doesn’t really seem to be that much of an issue, certainly as compared to the original Pi. Not sure whether it matters all that much, but it does have a few additional shaders and minor bugfixes, like VSync On works normally again, although when SDL’s enabled it seems to still be using the fb rather than dispmanx, when starting via emulationstation it whines that there’s no fullscreen mode available. Still looking into that.)
I can use my hacked up version for as long as need be, but it does seem potentially limiting for retropie builds to make actual mouse/trakball controllers unusable due to the gigantic mouse cursor appearing onscreen. :-)
Thanks Buzz!