I was just curious as to the differences between buzz’s image and the new beta; what optimizations were made that set it apart? Certain emulators seem initially more zippy, but what else is happening?
Also, what can I do to improve its performance outside of the standard overclocking and such? All I have done on my card so far is the standard raspi-config stuff, updated binaries/setup script, registered my controller, and put a few N64 roms on there to test. Can I benefit more from certain upgrades and configurations, or will I break buzz’s optimizations?
I should also mention that I have never run the installations in the setup script, as I was under the impression that it wasn’t needed when using the petrockblog images, but am I missing out on anything there? 2.3 and 2.5.0 seemed to run fine without it, as does this image.
Also thanks to everyone here that puts up with us rookies on this stuff. It’s kind of inspired me to start studying computer sciences, so I can be on the giving end of this, rather than pestering people for help. I wouldn’t even have my Pi running if it wasn’t for this forum.