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    I swear, this MAME is going to kill me….

    So again, 2.4 on my RPI B+.

    I corrupted the image and started over (brown out/ black out in a snow storm), but now I can not get any joy inputs on the MAME. I start emulation, hit tab, go to overall inputs to re-map. Once I select a function to map, I press enter then press the corresponding joy pad input and it just sits there… So I press every single input and move every input (analog) and NOTHING is accepted. I hit the clone keyboard command and it accepts it. Try again to input the command for the joypad and the clone keyboard command and only get the keyboard mapped.

    MAME is ignoring any input that is not from the keyboard at this point. I think I forgot something when I installed the image or I am missing something here. I went over my (very detailed) notes 3 times, but I can not see any mistakes in the setup.

    Any ideas why MAME is ignoring any non-keyboard commands?


    Install jstest and test that the inputs are working outside of mame.


    [quote=87642]Install jstest and test that the inputs are working outside of mame.[/quote]

    Just tested it last night. The inputs from the joys are all registering outside of MAME.

    Side note, on FBA J0 is player 2, keyboard is player 1, j1 is unknown as I do not have any 3+player machines here to rip ROMs from that work on FBA. I need to fix that too I guess, but configuration is different than MAME.

    (without opening a new can of worms…) Is FBA config in the same place as the typical retroarch config? I can’t check it ATM. :/


    Interesting… Looks like there was an issue with the image file I had. I compared my 2.4 image to the 2.5 beta version I downloaded for the pi2. It seems that there was an entire section of my MAME emulator configuration file missing in my 2.4 image.

    I think that is odd because I downloaded a fresh zipped version of 2.4 when I started over, and that was when the issue presented itself.

    Solution = download 2.5 Beta. MAME is working and mapping correctly.

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