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  • #86410

    I’ve been using a Dualshock 4 plugged in via USB as my controller. This has worked fantastic for me, but plugging in a second controller, it recognises both, but one of them will have scrambled controls. (Shoulder and Trigger buttons are dpad, touchpad click is A, nothing else works, it’s same every time) I’ve tried putting in a second Retroarch cfg, with -j 1 and the same button layout, but it has had no effect. I really don’t know how Retroarch manages this stuff, anyone have an idea as to how this is happening?


    When I put two controllers in, I configure them both with the auto config script in RetroPie and it will write the output files for each. RetroArch emulators then happily pick up both files.
    My retroarch.cfg is set to use the auto files, and I make sure it doesnt have hardcoded reference to the controllers in itself in case that conflicts with the auto files.

    When you start a rom are both controllers showing up in yellow text as the game starts? Perhaps you could post the “ls -lah” output of the directory /opt/retropie/emulators/retroarch/configs/


    Yes, both of my controllers show up in the yellow text. I will look at this auto setup script, thanks


    Ok, thats promising.
    That means that they are both being picked up from the auto config folder.
    This command will show those files, it will also show if you set them up, or they are stock versions. (Assuming you are on 2.4, other wise use RetroArch instead of retroarch)

    ls -lah /opt/retropie/emulators/retroarch/configs/
    (Check the timestamps on the files)

    Perhaps there is a stock file in there, that is detecting your controller but has the wring button mappings set.

    Also, make sure you havent specified anything in your main retroarch.cfg for controllers.

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