I reinstalled RetroPie today on a brand new 32 GB SD card. I’m wondering something… when I follow the various steps, at some point I understand that I’m supposed to run ‘./retropie_setup.sh’, and ‘register RetroArch controller’. However, I find that step very frustrating. I have a SNES Tomee USB controller. For one, the script leaves you very little time to find the button you’re supposed to hit (yeah, I’m kind of slow, I know). For two there are tons of buttons my controller doesn’t have. I’m not even sure which directional pad my controller corresponds to, the default RetroArch mapping seems to have 3. Anyway. I did that, missed a couple of buttons :-\ and when I’m done it looks like a ‘2Axes11KeysGamePad.cfg’ file has been created.
Well it looks like there is an easier (but manual) method to register my controller, and actually to register 2 controllers at once, using this method. It was fairly easy to figure out what the numbers of my controllers buttons are and edit retroarch.cfg with both controllers information.
So the first thing I’m wondering is: isn’t it better to go with the manual method and skip the “register RetroArch controller” script altogether? Makes it easier to register both controllers… (if you have two that is of course, and it’s even easier if they’re identical).
Second, if you’ve done it anyway, how do you completely get rid of that “2Axes11KeysGamePad.cfg” file that has been created, as well as any references to it?