just registered to share my psp homebrew for the retro pie project.
it’s a software to use the psp with a custom firmware as wireless gamepad
on the retro pie v2.3 sd image.
PSP homebrew + uhid.ko kernel modul + vhid_server
retropie_psp_wctr_v0.4.1.zip (attachment)
(optional static ip):
-> or use the the ip given by the dhcpd – show ip with ‘ifconfig’
installation of the PSP homebrew:
-> copy directory remotejoy to the memorystick
set the pi ip on the psp:
install kernel modul:
-> uhid.ko has to be in the same path
chmod +x install_uhid.sh
install controller config:
-> controller.cfg has to be in the same path
chmod +x install_controller_cfg.sh
load uhid modul on startup:
sudo nano /etc/modules
-> or just
sudo echo “uhid” >> /etc/modules
vhid-server autostart:
-> install libconfig
sudo apt-get install libconfig-dev
-> launcher.sh, vhid_server und vhid_server.conf should be under /home/pi/
chmod +x ./vhid_server
chmod 755 launcher.sh
crontab -e
add this line to the crontab:
@reboot sh /home/pi/launcher.sh >/home/pi/cronlog 2>&1
restart the pi and connect the psp to it after the menu appears
greetings, saturnu