Homepage Forums RetroPie Project New to RetroPie? Start Here! New RPi3 Drivers problem with Xbox

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  • #120988

    Recently I had a problem with the drivers. I can’t connect the new model 1697 of new Xbox One Controller (with jack 3.5mm). Its not working, if I start the Retropie with a connected controller the raspbian crashes and i have to reboot

    Sudo dkms install -m xpad -v 0.4

    your kernel headers for kernel 4.1.19-v7+ cannot be found at /lib/modules/4.1.19-v7+/build or /lib/modules/4.1.19-v7+/source.

    If I make:

    uname -a

    it appears:

    linux retropie 4.1.19-v7+ …………


    sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r)

    The problem its similar when I try all combinations


    You can try to blacklist xpad and try xboxdrv but can’t say it’ll work for sure or not. I added the info I could to try to make it work but whether it is or not, I have no idea.


    I also try xboxdrv the problem is the same. Linux headers not found and it is impossible update or upgrade kernel.

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