Homepage Forums RetroPie Project New to RetroPie? Start Here! Duke Nukem 3D – Full game data

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  • #116531

    I have files: duke3d.grp and duke.rts from my retail copy of the game, and I am curious what is the recommended way of using these files?

    The wiki mentions something about placing them in:

    But I found similar files (symlinks I think? haven’t completely learned what those are yet in my short time with linux) in ~/RetroPie/roms/ports/duke3d/ that appear to point to files in /opt/retropie/ports/eduke3d/shareware/

    I just deleted the files (symlinks? not sure) in the duke3d folder and replaced them with my files and it appears to work.

    I know HerbFargus is going to suggest I edit the wiki myself, but I’m not sure how to do that? Maybe a good suggestion for your next YouTube video would be a tutorial on how to properly contribute.


    The files in


    Are.symlinked (you are correct)



    When you delete the symlinked files in the home folder I think it may only delete the symlinks and not the the files in the shareware folder (not super familiar with it myself, I’m still learning too) not exactly sure though, I don’t have the original dukenukem files so I haven’t had the chance to test it myself.

    But as far as wiki edits go anyone can contribute, all you need to do is sign up for a github account (its free) and then when you’re signed in, there will be an edit button for each wiki page that youre on and you can change whatever you like (provided its productive of course)

    This is the page to edit just for reference:


    I appreciate it.

    Also BTW in github wikis format is called markdown, its similar to html. There are some basic tools in the editor much like this forum- bold, headings etc.


    Excellent. I’ll give it a try. Is there an approval process for wiki edits?


    Nope. But if I see incorrect things I will either revert or correct them (I’ve rewritten most of the wiki so far as soon as we changed the code) but of course as you’ve seen I occasionally miss things.

    Just for reference typically each system based wiki page as a template has a logo, the emulator, where the roms/game files are placed, controls, and extra configurations.

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