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I have solved my issue thank you to MrEngMan from this post

Just leaving instructions for other users who may have similar issue.
Download and extract 8192eu-4.1.12-v7-824.tar.gz

wget https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/80256631/8192eu-4.1.12-v7-824.tar.gz
tar xzf 8192eu-4.1.12-v7-824.tar.gz

You will have 8192eu.ko and 8192eu.conf

sudo mv 8192eu.ko /lib/modules/4.1.13-v7+/kernel/drivers/net/wireless/
sudo mv 8192eu.conf /etc/modprobe.d/
sudo depmod -a
sudo nano /etc/modules

add 8192eu at the end of the list, save, exit and reboot your RPi2.


You can follow the instructions on here to connect to wifi network.