Homepage Forums RetroPie Project Controller Configuration in RetroPie xBox360-Controller don't work in RetroArch Reply To: xBox360-Controller don't work in RetroArch


Thanks FastFalcon94, this worked very good on my raspberry pi 1. now iÄve switched to pi2 and installed retropie. i could test “jstest /dev/input/js0” an hopur before, but now it doesn’t work anymore. there is nothing i’ve changed on my system.

On the keyboard plugged into the pi press f4 and then any key to go to the command prompt. go to root directory and into /dev/input. You should see a js0 or js1 or js2 or js3 depending on where your controller is plugged into. Type in: jstest js1

when i try “jstest /dev/input/js0/1/2” i see this

jstest: No such file or directory

when i try “jstest” i see

Usage: jstest [<mode>] <device>

  --normal           One-line mode showing immediate status
  --old              Same as --normal, using 0.x interface
  --event            Prints events as they come in
  --nonblock         Same as --event, in nonblocking mode
  --select           Same as --event, using select() call

the same when i use any of the options: normal, old, event, nonblock or select.

whats the problem now?