Homepage Forums RetroPie Project New to RetroPie? Start Here! PS4 controller right d-pad not binding?

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    I hope this is a simple problem that I am just not understanding but I can’t get my PS4 controllers right d-pad button to bind to any binding. Every other key works fine and they keyboard I have plugged in seems to work fine as well.
    I am fairly sure it isn’t an issue with my controller itself(?) because it works fine while navigating the Emulation Station menu and also when playing games on my PC with it but for whatever reason that key wont function when binding in the retroarch settings(?)

    I hope it is a simple fix :D Possible not enough USB power for both keyboard and PS4 controller? The keyboard simply doesn’t function when I try and use a PS3 controller (thought he ps3 controller can navigate through the Emulation Station menu fine)

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