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    With the availability of much faster boards out there, such as the odroids, I am nervous about wanting to buy a pi.

    Has anyone successfully gotten retropie to work on an odroid? Or is there a similar project I cannot seem to find that does the same thing as retropie but on the odroid?

    Is there any word of raspberry pi’s being made faster than the odroid in the near future?

    Thanks :)


    If you want support, I would stick with a pi. There is some support for odroid but you will run into bugs guaranteed, and as the devs don’t have any odroid boards its unlikely theyll be addressed anytime in the near future.

    I’m sure we’re all hoping for more powerful pi’s but with the recent release of the raspberry pi zero and eben uptons conversation with Eric schmidt it would seem that power has been placed on the back burner in place of portability.


    Perhaps in the future maybe but I doubt anytime soon (but I could be wrong, you never know)

    For simplicity and support I’d get a raspberry pi 2 and just stick with the pc for more powerful emulators for the time being.


    What about using the Banana Pi M3? From what I am reading, it’s basically going to run the same way as a raspberry pi, correct?


    Hell no. Stay away from allwinner chips like the plague. Definitely no support for those – allwinner rips off gpl licenses worse than a goldigging exwife.


    I was definitely nervous about the allwinner chips. I’ve heard nothing of those before today and it felt to me like one of those “Hey we say we are fast but really, we aren’t” type deals.

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