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I’m not going to write this off, but allocating 5GB+ just for Raspbian means alot less space for everything else, we’re talking that a 32GB card would be the recommended size for this build I think.

I forgot to mention but I did take your advice on RaspEX and it looks good – I have downloaded it but not had a chance to try it out yet. Do you know if it is a more lightweight distro than Raspbian?

Also, as for the beast build – I can add the repository in so it is ready to install, should you want it. It is just a simple click of a button really, so technically I can offer both options in one build. Makes life a bit easier I think!

All the best,


As for RaspEX is a combination of Debian 8.0 (Jessie) and Ubuntu 15.04 but its said that it’s suppose to be faster than raspbian but I’m still playing around with it. It have some pre-install software on it so be both are new to it lol.
Have not been able to find out much online about it probably because it have not been around that long.
I don’t have any problem with the size the triple boot will be. It should be understood that it will require a larger memory card. I already use 32GB cards to it will just be more unused space been use on it hahaha.

Great Work and looking forward to triple boot.