Homepage Forums RetroPie Project Video Output on RetroPie 10 inch crt Television help. Fuzzy as hell. Can't read a thing on the screen Reply To: 10 inch crt Television help. Fuzzy as hell. Can't read a thing on the screen


Thanks for responding pretty sharpish.

Ok…well i can’t test it right now as for the life of me i can’t find anything to test it on other than this sketchy old crt. It’s a fair point about the lead quality though. I bought the cheapest one i could find on eBay just to see what happened as i’ve never used this output on the Pi before. I will get down the shops tomorrow and start buying out old scart rubbish so i can test out this old crt TV.

I will be back once i get hold of some more equipment. I feel my 1st post was just the upset of it not being as simple as i first hoped when the TV arrived in the post this morning.