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Please read r.e. the RasPlex build!

Ok I’ve had lots of issues and learning to do in regards to getting the OS switching script to work in RasPlex, but it is finally working! :)

So before I release a build I have a couple of questions for any seasoned Rasplex users out there, because I have no knowledge of Plex and have no desire to use it in the future so don’t want to waste too much time in exploring it myself:

1) How big should I make the RasPlex partition? The tarball I created from it is pretty small, around 320mb for the ‘storage’ partition, however this is before any user content has been added. I need to know – does RasPlex store all scraped art, info etc. on the Raspberry Pi or does it store it alongside the media location, i.e. on your NAS Drive etc.?

2) As far as I understand it, home screen menu items will appear when you sign in to Plex and you can immediately browse through your pre-set movies / tv shows / music collections. What I need to know is, what would you like to see as ‘standard’ home screen menu options when I release my build? As standard it is showing the following:
– Search
– Watch Later
– Channel Directory
– Games (my Python RetroPie launcher script)
– Settings
– Shutdown

Are any of these useless and can be removed or would you rather I kept them in (or added more?).

3) Backgrounds – as standard, the skin has a plain black background and looks boring, so I set a slideshow of movie / TV show images for it instead. Now I am wondering if this will mess things up for when you add your user content on there (my thought process being that maybe it shows scraped movie art, music art etc. when you link it all up?). Can somebody just tell me whether I should leave this blank (as standard) or add in my move art slideshow (the same one I use in my KODI build).

4) Should I release this in a separate post, so not to get lost in this thread? Just thinking that some folks who want a RasPlex / RetroPie setup may miss out if they are not following this thread?

……. thats all I can think of for now. I have this set up and ready to go and can confirm it works a treat, I just need to know answers to the above before releasing it as I dont want to have to keep amending and re-releasing it etc. when I have no real interest in RaspPlex myself! :oops: I would much rather have a seasoned user(s) opinions than dictating the look and feel of it myself.
