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[quote=105866]I assume that this kind of “problem” is <linked> to the small psx intro video (the one that is launched right after the retropie script inside kodi). This video also has black vertical bars. And ES continues to have black bars.
So..maybe your psx video is the problem here? Is it in 720 or 1080p?Or maybe a wrong aspect ratio?



haha, trust me – the video isn’t the problem. It is simply an aspect ratio thing. I encoded the video @ 1080p, so it is hardcoded at that resolution / ratio. The problem lies in your TV’s inability to stretch the 1080p image to its own native aspect ratio, it would seem. I say problem, but its not actually a problem, more of an annoyance for you. Unfortunately Im unable to help further though – you need to find a setting in ‘config.txt’ that works with your display. The 16:9 aspect ratio I set as standard in my builds is the most common display standard around these days – it would make no sense for me to make a change to that as the majority of folk would be affected negatively by it (including myself).

Have you checked for a ‘zoom’ or similar button on your TV remote? You can often cycle through different aspect ratios that way. Other than that then Im afraid I can’t really help you.