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Thanks Smithers again!

Unfortunately i do not remember the download site for my *wads. What i remember is that i created them (with patcher.exe). Thesy also needed prboom.wad and Doom.wad i think..I use them with retroarch (windows7) and prboom_libretro.dll and they work..I just told you in case you could revive them in linux

Anyway, the real thing i am facing now is the black vertical bars (right and left) when i am launching retropie from inside kodi. These bars remain on my EmulationStation menu (where the emulators are). Any ideas why? My tv set is 21:9 aspect ratio and i assume the problem relies in there..

My tv here : http://www.p4c.philips.com/cgi-bin/cpindex.pl?ctn=56PFL9954H/12&mid=Link_FAQs&scy=GR&slg=AEN